21, 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya Str.,
Moscow, 125047, Russia
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« A real team leader, who always chooses the right position at crucial moments »

Natalia Korosteleva advises and represents clients in all areas of Russian competition law. She coordinates merger control approvals, concerted actions and investment in strategic industries, protects clients in the course of disputes with federal and local antimonopoly authorities, and engages the regulatory agencies to protect the clients’ legitimate interests.
Natalia was engaged in obtaining antimonopoly clearances for some of the most significant transactions in the Russian corporate history, including the Danone-Unimilk pan-CIS merger, the merger of two major banks in the form of a takeover, and as a legal adviser in Russia to PPG Industries in connection with PPG ‘s tender offer for the shares of Tikkurila.
Her antitrust disputes highlights include defending Yandex in the antitrust investigation into Google’s abuse of power on the market for pre-installed apps for Android devices.
She is a member of Competition Experts Association, as well as a number of advisory councils of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia. Thanks to her active involvement in legislation drafting, she has contributed to the Second, Third, and Fourth “Antimonopoly Packages” of laws, amendments and additions to Federal Law No. 135-FZ “On Competition Protection” and Federal Law No. 57-FZ “On Strategic Investments”, and to the Russian Governmental Regulation No. 583 with respect to acceptability of “vertical agreements”, as well as other laws and regulations.
Natalia graduated from the Law School of Krasnoyarsk State University (2001) and the All-Russian State Tax Academy (2005). She also completed a business law course at the International Law Institute, Washington, DC, USA (2008).
In 2016, she was listed in Global Competition Review’s Women in Antitrust Survey, being the only lawyer from Russia to be featured among the 100 elite antitrust law practitioners.
She has been admitted to the Bar Association of Moscow Region.