Rankings and Awards
17 April 2008

Attorneys at EPAM Law Firm Acknowledged by St. Petersburg’s Bar Association

St. Petersburg’s Bar Association today announced the winners of the Advocacy Excellence Award.

6 December 2007

EPAM Chosen Best Russian Law Firm for M&A

December 6, 2007 – Moscow hosted the 4th Annual National Forum on Mergers & Acquisitions in Russia, which was sponsored by the Mergers & Acquisitions Journal. EPAM were named #1 M&A legal advisor in Russia at the Forum’s awards ceremony.

8 July 2007

EPAM leads in the polls of legal defense companies

EPAM has taken the top spot in Russia’s Mergers & Acquisitions Magazine survey of the top legal firms speacialising in defending Russian companies against hostile takeovers.

13 May 2007

EPAM Law short-listed for the 2007 Lawyer awards

More than 80 different firms and organisations appear in the shortlist for this year's Lawyer Awards. EPAM have been short-listed in The International firm of the year category.

11 April 2007

EPAM Law gains recognition at the third annual conference “Legal Business in Russia”

The Third annual Vedomosti conference “Legal Business in Russia” has taken place in Moscow today. EPAM was named by the Mergers and Aquisitions magazine as the Best Russian Law Firm in the M&A market and was given the Corporate Lawyer award for their contribution to educational work.

30 January 2007

EPAM Law made the top 10 M&A legal consultants on deals involving Russian companies in 2006 according to the M&A-Intelligence analytical group of the “Mergers and Acquisitions” magazine

The M&A-Intelligence analytical group of the “Mergers and Acquisitions” magazine has issued a rating of the leading M&A legal consultants on deals involving Russian companies of the year 2006. First time on the rating, a Russian firm EPAM went straight to the rating’s second place.

15 January 2007

EPAM nominated for Legal Business European Law Firm of the Year award

EPAM has been nominated for the Legal Business European Law Firm of The Year award. It is the first Russian legal firm to receive such a nomination.

9 January 2007

Dimitry Afanasiev of EPAM Law included in The Lawyer's list of the lawyers who have been making the biggest waves outside the UK in 2006

The Lawyer (London, UK) has included Dimitry Afanasiev, member of the Partners' Committee of EPAM LawP, in the list of the 40 brightest stars of the international legal market who have been making the biggest waves outside the UK. According to The Lawyer, as the profession's globalists, these lawyers will help shape 2007.

11 February 2005

Lawyers of EPAM receive the Russian Federal Chambers of Lawyers' and St. Petersburg Bar Association's awards

The award ceremony took place during the general meeting of the St. Petersburg Bar Association on February, 11 2005. Three other EPAM Law lawyers were awarded the St. Petersburg Bar Association Diplomas.