Vladimir Stepanov
Vladimir Stepanov

21, 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya Str.,
Moscow, 125047, Russia

Tel.: +7 (495) 935 8010
Fax: +7 (495) 935 8011


  • (2023-2024)
  • Kommersant (2024)

Vladimir Stepanov is a Senior Associate in the Employment and Migration Law Practice and has over 15 years of practical experience in employment, migration, corporate and commercial law as well as dispute resolution.

Vladimir has extensive experience in structuring labour relations with various categories of employees, including issues related to dismissals, switching jobs, changes of terms of an employment contract, and regulation of remote employment.

His professional activities also include handling labour cases, negotiating with employees and trade unions, representing employers' interests during inspections from the State Labour Inspectorate (GIT), including challenging actions and decisions of the GIT, as well as resolving issues related to personal data protection.

Vladimir's experience includes many successful projects, including:

  • representing the interests of one of the largest musical theatres in disputes with former artists regarding the recognition of illegal dismissals, reinstatements, and recognition of a fixed-term employment contract being concluded for an indefinite period;
  • representing the interests of two major pharmaceutical companies in a case involving the challenging of orders issued by the GIT of Moscow which were the result of unscheduled inspections with the imposition of fines;
  • representing the interests of a large multinational electronics manufacturing company in disputes with former employees in cases regarding staff redundancy, payment of withheld personal income tax, and food compensation;
  • representing the interests of the head of an industrial enterprise in a case involving disqualification for repeated violation of labour legislation;
  • representing the interests of one of the largest federal universities in a case regarding the dismissal of a rector and a team of vice-rectors;
  • representing the interests of a German manufacturing company in labour disputes with employees over the payment of bonuses and layoffs;

Previously Vladimir worked at EPAM and other large Russian and international law firms.

Vladimir is a member of the Committee on Labour Market and Social Partnership at the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

Vladimir graduated with honours from the O.E. Kutafin Moscow State Law Academy in 2008, where he studied at the Chair of Labour Law and Social Security Law. In 2011, he received an LL.M. in Commercial Law from the University of Edinburgh (UK).

Vladimir is a member of the Moscow Bar Association.

Vladimir is fluent in English