11 October 2011
Representatives of EPAM help Business Against Corruption Public Council win First Victory in Court

The Public Council of the Procedures Center Business Against Corruption, established by Delovaya Rossia earlier this year, succeeded in assuring early parole release for a businessman.

The Public Council of the Public Procedures Center Business Against Corruption decided that the case resembles a ‘corporate raid’. An internal corporate conflict lead to a criminal case being launched with the formal objective to prove the fact of embezzlement of state subsidies and the actual objective – to have the company seized by third parties.

The key function of the Center is to deal with specific complaints from businessmen, particularly, by conducting expert reviews to identify any corruption or hostile takeover elements and preparing expert opinions. The Center monitors the business environment, makes legislative proposals to improve this environment and creates information resources to facilitate the process.

Andrey Porfiriev, Senior Associate at EPAM, is a co-chairman of the Public Procedures Center Business Against Corruption.

Andrey Porfiriev noted: "Currently, there are many organizations protecting business from corruption but it is our Center that garnered support from the Russian Government. Thanks to representatives of public authorities with real oversight and legislative powers joining the Center’s supervisory council at the instruction of vice prime minister Igor Shuvalov, the efficiency of the petitions submitted by the Center has improved. The first results achieved show that our petitions are being taken seriously. All the more so as each petition is a result of serious legal examination and public evaluation conducted by the Public Council. It is a great honor for our Firm to participate in the Center’s work called to protect businessmen who become exposed to raiders' attacks by using legal loopholes with support from corrupted officials".