Сbonds summed up the results of the first half of 2015 in legal advisory on securitization. EPAM is the runner-up in the ratings, being one of the two most active advisers on the market.
The Firm has been noted for advising and implementation of five securitization projects, including the debut securitization of Credit Europe Bank’s car loan portfolio, two offerings of mortgage-secured bond classes for the Housing Finance Bank (AO Bank ZhilFinance) (with ZAO IA Pulsar-1 and ZAO IA Pulsar-2 acting as mortgage agents), as well as securitization of AKB SOYUZ’s and AIKB Tatfondbank’s mortgage assets.
The securitization and mortgage bonds advisors’ ratings show the law firms’ performance on the Russian market by the number of deals advised on.
They take into account both balance and off-balance securitization on the local market, whereunder the funds have been technically invested in the first half of 2015.
Pleas follow the link to see the ratings.