26 June 2007

EPAM sponsors International Litigation and Fraud Conference

On 26th/27th June London hosted LexisNexis Butterworths’ International Litigation and Fraud Conference. Cosponsor of the event, EPAM was represented by Maria Miroshnikova and Anna Yakovleva who spoke on “Evidence gathering, remedies and relief in Russia”.

1 June 2007

Dimitry Afanasiev joins Best Lawyers Board of Advisors

Dimitry Afanasiev, member of the Partners’ Committee and Founding Partner of EPAM became the first Russian lawyer to sit on the Board of Advisers of Best Lawyers in America. Also, the Best Lawyers Board of Advisers includes Jerome Shestack, former President of the American Bar Association and EPA&P’s US senior adviser.

29 May 2007

EPAM Law takes part in the IBA conference “Russian Anti-Trust Law in an International Context”

Today the All-Russian State Library for Foreign Literature in Moscow hosted the international conference “Russian Anti-Trust Law in an International Context”. The conference was presented by the Global Forum for Competition and Trade Policy and the European Forum of the International Bar Association and co-sponsored by the Section of Antitrust Law of the American Bar Association. Grigory CHERNYSHOV, senior attorney of EPAM, spoke on “Antitrust Approval of the Foreign Companies Shares Transaction”.

23 May 2007

EPAM Law Senior Lawyer Grigory Chernyshov Elected Member of the General Council of the Non-Profit Partnership for Promotion of Competition

On May 23, 2007 the inaugural meeting of the Non-Profit Partnership for Promotion of Competition took place - a group that joins together leading antitrust lawyers and economists specializing in competition matters. Grigory Chernyshov, a Senior Lawyer at EPAM Law, was elected member of the General Council of the Partnership.

24 April 2007

EPAM has opened an associated office in London

EPAM has opened an associated office in London, UK. Located at 3 Gough Square EC4, in the City of London, the office neighbours the world’s major law firms and investment banks.

23 April 2007

Dimitry Afanasiev participated in the 10th Annual Russian Economic Forum in London

Dimitry Afanasiev took part in the 10th Annual Russian Economic Forum in London. Member of the Partners’ Committee of EPAM spoke at the session “Financial Development Institutes: Realistic Catalyst for Russian Economic Growth?”

18 April 2007

Ilya Nikiforov took part in the II annual conference “Mergers And Takeovers In The Northwestern Region”

The II annual conference “Mergers And Takeovers In The Northwestern Region” was held on April 18, 2007 in Saint-Petersburg. The event was organized by the “Mergers and Takeovers” magazine and the Government of Saint-Petersburg. Ilya Nikiforov, a managing partner in Saint-Petersburg office of EPAM, shared expertise in judicial protection from hostile takeovers.

30 March 2007

Archangelsk Trawling Fleet’s trawlers will return to Russia

Commercial Court of Huelva, Spain has recognized and rendered subject to execution on the territory of Spain a Judgment of Arbitration Court of Murmansk Region of June 09, 2006, which bound a Mauritanian company Société de Promotion de la Pêche (SPP S.A.) to return the misappropriated ATF’s South Group trawlers to their Russian proprietor, a company 100% owned by the Russian Federation, represented by Russian State Property Management Agency.

22 March 2007

EPAM Law sponsors M&A conference “Adding value to business during sale” in Moscow

An annual practical conference on M&A issues “Adding value to business in sale” was held in Moscow today. The official partner of the event hosted by The Moscow Times was EPAM Law. The firm’s lawyers were in attendance to share their expertise on acting in M&A transactions.

16 February 2007

Captain Kononov, an ATF South Group’s trawler seized in Namibia

Today Captain Kononov, a Russian trawler misappropriated by a Mauritanian entrepreneur, Abass Boughourbal, has been seized in Namibia. The attachment of the trawler is a security measure that will allow terminating illegal use of the vessel until its return to its legal holder in Russia.

15 February 2007

JSC Arkhangelsk Trawl Fleet financial recovery proceedings successfully completed

Today the Arbitration Court of Arkhangelsk Region passed an award terminating the bankruptcy proceedings with regard to JSC Arkhangelsk Trawl Fleet (ATF). The successful completion of financial recovery procedure has resulted from the efforts of the Russian Federation as the owner, the management and staff of ATF and the lawyers of EPAM who acted for the Russian Federation and ATF in the bankruptcy proceedings.

8 February 2007

Delegationfrom EPAM attended the 10th Legal Business Awards ceremony in London

The European Law Firm of the Year nominee, EPAM attended the 10th Legal Business Awards ceremony in London. 

6 February 2007

Dmitry Lavrov, a senior lawyer of EPAM to head Property Management Department at Gazprom

During 1997-2004 Dmitry Lavrov taught the Civil Law department at Saint-Petersburg State Law School. In March 2004 joined EPAM as senior lawyer, where Dmitry acted on complex corporate transactions including foreign trade matters, was responsible for government relations and contributed to preparatory work for Russian companies’ IPOs.

7 December 2006

Ilya Nikiforov takes part in the IBA roundtable Global and Independent Law Firms in Europe and Russia: Competitive Cooperation Strategies

On 7 December 2006, the Centre of Legal Information of All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature, Moscow, hosted the International Bar Association (IBA) roundtable Global and Independent Law Firms in Europe and Russia: Competitive Cooperation Strategies.

16 October 2006

Igor Pachosik leaves EPAM for Russian Railways

Senior lawyer at EPAM Igor Pachosik will take up a position as deputy head of the Property Management Department of Joint Stock Company "Russian Railways".