19 October 2010

ICC Young Arbitrators Forum and EPAM Held Roundtable Discussion for Young Lawyers

Today the Moscow office of EPAM hosted a roundtable discussion for young lawyers - members of the Russian branch of ICC Young Arbitrators Forum (ICC YAF) on "Effective Evidence Management in International Arbitration".

15 October 2010

Andrey Porfiriev participated in the Air Law in Russia: Development and Prospects Conference

Andrey Porfiriev, a senior lawyer at EPAM, attended the Air Law in Russia: Development and Prospects Conference, held in St Petersburg on 15 October 2010.

15 October 2010

Aleksey Andrusenko Delivers a Speech at VI All-Russian IPO Congress

Aleksey Andrusenko, Head of IPO Practice at EPAM participated at the VI All-Russian IPO Congress held in Moscow on 15 October 2010.

14 October 2010

Ekaterina Sizova Participated at the Roundtable Discussion on Protecting Business Reputation

Ekaterina Sizova, a lawyer at EPAM attended the roundtable discussion on the subject of Protecting Your Reputation: Current Issues, Challenges and Prospects, organized by RBC media holding on October 14 in Saint Petersburg.

8 October 2010

EPAM Contributes to the Academic Commentary to Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Ilya Nikiforov and Nikolay Averchenko contributed to the drafting of Part 3 of Academic Commentary of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

7 October 2010

Mikhail Kazantsev Presented at Legal Business in South Russia Forum

Mikhail Kazantsev, a partner at EPAM participated at the 3rd annual Legal Business in South Russia forum, which was held today in Rostov-on-Don.

5 October 2010

Igor Sсhikow presented at Law in Russia Investment Summit in Berlin

Igor Schikow, head of tax practice at EPAM participated as a keynote speaker at the Law in Russia investment summit, held in Berlin on 5 October 2010.

4 October 2010

Dmitry Stepanov Participates Roundtable Discussion on Corporate Governance in Russia: Current Agenda

October 4, 2010 – Today Dmitry Stepanov, a partner at EPAM, has participated in a roundtable discussion on Corporate Governance in Russia: Current Agenda organized by The National Council on Corporate Governance and The Institute of Contemporary Development.

4 October 2010

Dmitry Stepanov contributes to the preparation of Third Issue of National Report on Corporate Governance

Dmitry Stepanov, a partner at EPAM has authored the Monitoring Corporate Legislation chapter of the annual National Report on Corporate Governance prepared by The National Council on Corporate Governance.

4 October 2010

EPAM Attends Parliamentary Hearings at the State Duma

Andrey Porfiriev and Elena Pristanskova of EPAM attended the parliamentary hearings on Legislative Protection of Seas from Oil Contamination at the State Duma.

20 September 2010

Dimitry Afanasiev presents at The UK International Financial Services Forum in London

Dimitry Afanasiev, Chairman of EPAM participated at The UK International Financial Services Forum which was held in London on 20-22 September 2010.

17 September 2010

Dimitry Afanasiev Presented at Sochi-2010 International Investment Forum

September 17, 2010 – The 9th International Investment Forum “Sochi-2010” started today in the capital of the Winter Olympics 2014. Dimitry Afanasiev, member of the Partners’ Committee of EPAM gave recommendations on ways of improving the security of business and the overall business environment in Russia.

15 September 2010

Stephen Zack, President of the American Bar Association Gives a Speech at EPAM

Stephen Zack, President of the American Bar Association gave a speech to the associates of EPAM at the meeting held on 15 September 2010 at firm’s office in Moscow.

14 September 2010

Ilya Nikiforov Сhairs Show Me the Money: Recovering Assets Abroad Session on Cross-Border Dispute Resolution: The Perspective for Russia Conference

On September 14, 2010 Moscow hosted a conference on Cross-Border Dispute Resolution: The Perspective for Russia and the CIS organized by the American Bar Association (ABA). EPAM was the strategic partner of the event.

2 September 2010

EPAM to Sponsor Capital Raising in Asia Seminar

A seminar on Capital Raising in Asia was held on September 2, 2010 Moscow. Dmitry Stepanov, Partner of EPAM, and Alexeys Andrusenko, Head of IPO Practice, participated in the event.